Covenant with C-VUU

This covenant with Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalists was unanimously approved by the CUUPS chapter on 28 November 2020.

We, the Tidewater CUUPS chapter of the Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, embrace the mission statements and principles of CVUU, the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association and of National CUUPS.

We promote personal responsibility and integrity, diversity and compassion, competency and education in the pursuit of spiritual balance. We provide support to all seeking to live a life more in balance with nature and to accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions by exploring the teachings and traditions of various pagan, indigenous and Earth-centered religions and philosophies. We provide a safe and welcoming space and promote respect of self and others and affirm the worth and dignity of all people.

We offer our talents and abilities in service to our fellow congregants at CVUU and the greater south Hampton Roads community by providing seasonal celebrations to honor the Earth and its cycles. We educate ourselves and others on spiritual and esoteric subjects during our regularly scheduled discussions. We honor the Divine in many forms.

We welcome observers and participants from the general community as well as our congregation. Our leadership is elected from active members of CVUU.

  • 2025.02.01 CUUPS Imbolc
  • 2025.03.01 CUUPS Discussion: Pendulums
  • 2025.03.22 CUUPS Ostara